Sean Avery has bravely come out in defense of the gay community, speaking out for gay marriage and standing by any NHL player that would come out as being gay. He is the first New York athlete to openly voice support to the gay community.
There has only been one professional athlete to be openly gay while being a current player- Gareth Thomas, a rugby player from Wales, who is so tough that anyone who would try to bully him would like end up crippled.
Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo has also voiced his support to the gay community as well as started a campaign to make the NFL a more open business to gay athletes. Baby steps are being made, but giant leaps are necessary.
A day after Avery's video was released, NHL agent,; Todd Reynolds tweeted his opposition to Avery's statements. "Very sad to read Sean Avery's misguided support of same-gender "marriage". Legal or not, it will always be wrong." He goes much further in his disdain to gay marraige, while also claiming to not be a bigot. I can't understand the logic. That’s like saying, “I respect who you are, but not enough to give you certain rights I am allowed."
Sounds familiar to me; a group of people being discriminated against because they are a minority. We fought for equal rights. We fought for women's rights. Now it's time to fight for gay rights. Gays and lesbians are not marching to the Vatican and forcing the Pope to agree that Jesus would approve. They are simply asking that the US government recognize that they are equals to heterosexuals. They should be allowed to marry and live their life how they see fit in the "Land of the Free". The religious world has no right to decide what rights a free democratic country can give. All of this sanctity of marriage nonsense if very hypocritical. Divorce rate are over 50%, people remarry, and commit adultery. What is this "sanctity of marriage are they referring to?
Unfortunately, it is doubtful that any American athlete will come out of the darkness. While a majority of their teammates would be accepting, there will be some that fight back. The biggest resistance though would be from the fans. The same fans that rock out to Freddie Mercury at games, would throw insults at their favorite player. Fans are ruthless and, if given any ammunition, their trigger fingers would be relentless.
Brendon said what I was thinking perfectly. I don't believe this subject is up for discussion. If the United States wants to claim that everyone is created equal, gays and lesbians need to be allowed to marry. We need to be accepting and embrace the fact that everyone in this country is just striving for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Well done Avery and Ayanbadejo, among others, for stepping up. Hopefully others will follow suit.
Agreed. Why should I care if someone is black, white, gay, or one-eyed, if he can put a ball through a hoop better than any other person? Sports is just another stage this is played out upon, and makes the opposite viewpoint even more mute.