In response to http://omfgregg.com/post/6019835447/nba3
First of all, a Philly fan can never question my drug habits because of my love of the NY Yankees. I was born a Yankee fan. Win more than one title as a city every 25 years and then come at me bro. Now that's out of the way, I will apologize for hating LeBron. Kind of.
LeBron made the wrong "decision" in making "The Decision". There is no denying that hour long mockery of Cleveland turned him into a villain. I don't have an issue with him fleeing Ohio for South Beach. I would love to live in Miami. Choosing where you work is what we'd all like to do. But he made a promise to the city of Cleveland that he would deliver a championship. Then he bailed for beautiful weather, a better team, and to play with his friends. He also bailed while stringing along the Cavs as well as the Knicks, da Bulls, the Clippers, when all the while, this move to MIA was planned years ago. Not telling the Cavs from the beginning was his only mistake.
Michael Jordan played with 2 Hall of Famers, Dennis Rodman and Scottie Pippen with a Hall of Fame coach in Phil Jackson. LeBron has played with scrubs. As D-Rose proved this year, one man can not win by himself. LeBron would have won with Cleveland, but he probably never would have won as many titles as Jordan, so he joined a team with two proven winners and in Pat Riley and Dwyane Wade. This was taking the easy way out. I'm going to join 2 all-stars to win as many titles as possible instead of sticking with my hometown to get them the championship they've been struggling to get since the 1940s.
LeBron would have never been compared to Jordan by only winning one or two titles in Cleveland. Sure, the city of Cleveland would build him statues and monuments, but he would never be Jordan. Now, in Miami, where he'll win not one, not two...but seven titles, he will have been elevated above Jordan. The nation outside of Cleveland will have forgotten about how or why he chose Miami in free agency and will declare him the best ever.
My hate for LeBron is waning. I will still be rooting against him, though that will likely be futile. He took the cowardly way out, which then turned him into a villain. It's also a lot easier to root against him since his jersey is black. Dirk Nowitski will retire ringless, at no fault to him. Great player, played on some good teams, with some good coaching, but could never put it all together. Kind of like Patrick Ewing. He was unfortunate to play in the Jordan era which allotted him only a couple of real chances at a ring. LeBron will win his first of seven this year and I don't know why I didn't see this happening from the beginning. The best athlete on the court is proving his decision to be validated. But, Go Mavs anyway!